shipping & payments
We deliver for an extra fee of 70¢/mile to & from your exact location, this includes if you want to meet at a closer distance. This will be charged in total with your order before delivery which is why you need to give us the correct & exact address. If we are in the middle of delivering your order & you decide you no longer want us to deliver or just want to cancel your order, you will not get the delivery fee refunded. Why? Because we just burnt gas to have a delivery get cancelled! There will be no excuse that will change my mind because this is confirmed over the phone immediately before we leave. Therefore, cancel before or during being notified that we are out for delivery! We will be in touch throughout the whole process!
With that being said we take payments using Square, accepting debit cards only, which is done over the phone for deliveries & holding fees. This is done first, we don't have you pay for your livestock until we have delivered. Once we meet to exchange any livestock, then we can finish the payment using Square or with cash.
All orders are made over the phone! Yes, we can text/email information back & forth but to confirm an order we will do business via phone call.